Tuesday, December 28, 2010

frances' first day of school

as i have briefly mentioned before, i have started working again. it wasn't the original plan, but plans change, and it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. instead of nursing, i am now teaching at the med center...and LOVING it. the only draw back is that frances HAD to start school.

at first she was a bit like, "what?! i'm not sure i'm okay with this, mommy?!"

but then when i told her brother and sister would be there, and i would send LOTS of mommy milk...she was good!

in fact, other than an unscheduled outfit change, i'd say the first day went pretty smoothly! :)


CathyBB said...

This has got to be the most cooperative baby for photos. She kills me.

Is that one of the ancient Natalie shirts, or did we just have one of those, too?!?!? And a Nicky shirt to boot? The kids will love it. =)

This is so sweet...