so apparently vivian went on a "hunt" yesterday through the back closet. i had some things in there from my grandad's that i hadn't even bothered to really go through...don't worry, vivian took care of that for me. when i got home from the grocery store this is what she was wearing. it is one of my old tap costumes (circa 1979-ish) and IT FITS!! she thought it was SOOOOO cool and couldn't wait to show us her moves.

she even hopped up on the ottoman so she could have a better "stage". what a ham!! :)
she even hopped up on the ottoman so she could have a better "stage". what a ham!! :)
That is hilarious!!! I remember us playing in those costumes years ago. I'm glad to see they are making a comeback almost thirty years later. :)
Oh, do you have any pictures of yourself in these costumes?! That would be so cool to see them side by side!
Oh my gosh, this is a riot! I love it. And I think one of my Barbies circa '79-80 had an outfit just like this in yellow and black!!! =)
I just showed Natalie and she said "That is SO cute I'm going to freak out!" I tried to write just the cute part but she said I had to include "freak out" too. ;)
Aaahhh! That made me laugh out loud. You hadn't told me about this. I love that you still have so many things of yours from when you were little. Too funny!
I love love love the action shot of her dancing. Did you get her on video? I gave all my old dance costumes to my little cousins and they had the best time playing dress up with them. My aunt let them go a little too far once, one cousin just had to wear her costume out to dinner one night! Fun times!
But did she blow kisses? Then, she'd be a true Day. Apparently, one of the few years I spent in dance, I got on stage for our routine titled "Daddy's Little Sweethearts." I totally forgot the steps, but remembered we were supposed to blow our Daddy kisses at the end, so I just did it the whole time. This choriography (sp?)hasn't been forgotten believe me. Ask Mom, Dad, or Clif.
HOW PRECIOUS!!!I spent 18 years in dance...keep it up Vivian!!
She is so adorable!! What a Ham:) We sure do miss her:) I am so glad you keep us updated with her pics. on your blog. Give her a Hug and Kiss for me. Love, Jenn
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