Monday, March 3, 2008

a post for mawmaw

as most of you know, clif's grandmother, mawmaw day is a pretty cool lady. in her late seventies not only does she run a farm, but she also has learned to use the internet! so this post is just for her. for each of her grandchildren, and great grandchildren she has made one of these beautiful blankets (this one is actually clif's from when he was little). they are so handy and warm, as you can tell bauer really loves it...thanks, mawmaw! :)


Susan said...

It looks like he's doing a fake sleeping pose. hehe...or having a real good dream.

Amy, David, Caroline, Corbin and Cohen said...

He gets more handsome by the minute and of course Miss Vivian gets more beautiful!! I love the Cheeto picture :)