we decided to make a quick playground stop before lunch.

nicky is so stinking funny....and cute!

one of the MANY attempts at a group photo....
bauer enjoying the rocking turtle? (what is that thing?!)

and vivian and nat (no...i mean what is THAT thing...is she posing?)

when it was time to head to lunch, the boys made their mom's proud, safely holding hands. :) lunch was at valentino's where this cute couple met many years ago...but i'm sorry to say even as cute as they are...
undoubtedly, THIS in val's new spokesperson. HANDS DOWN!!
after a quick change of clothes we were off to the lincoln zoo.

the kids were too excited to pose before the butterfly exhibit...

where vivian held her first butterfly!
and bauer tried, too!
next it was on to the turtles, (vivian's look is an accurate interpretation of her mother's feelings about turtles in general, but i digress....)
luke and bauer preferred the smaller version.

the sea lion.

and of course, leo the paper eating lion.

at this point bauer needed a small break, which he took.

and the other children pretended to be birds in the "nest".

AND beautiful butterfly girls.
baby dinosaurs...AND

the perfect way to end every zoo visit...a ride on the train.

we made a quick stop by the rose garden...where if i do say so myself, we attained the BEST group shot of the trip!!!!

and the children ran wild through the maze....

and peered too closely into the fountain (for cathy's liking)...

and played follow the leader, and ran some more! what an AWESOME day!
1. Absolute best Valentino's poster child EVER! =)
2. I'm so glad your kids got to meet Leo!
3. Yes the train ride is the perfect way to end the zoo visit... but the snake was NOT! My kids are still talking about that!
4. Natalie says she wants to give Vivian the yellow dress... and she'd like you to come back and get it! =)
I was just gonna comment on the orange coordination. I figured it wasn't a coincidence. Made for great pictures. I see the girls has a wardrobe change mid-day before the zoo.
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