Tuesday, February 20, 2007

finally an update...

so this is just a test run, to see if i really have this under control. i will obviously need an in service from my sis-n-law, su! i still can't seem to get the pictures to download in the appropriate place...but keep checking back...i am DETERMINED to figure this out! here's one of the little miss to tide you over. she is now a GREAT lover of SPAGHETTI, as you can clearly see!!!
on a slightly different note, clif and i are steadily approaching our 5th year anniversary. and i am desperately looking for a little "something" to pull...you know like a getaway or a day retreat...any ideas? let me know! also, in case you didn't know my sis-n-law isn't the only one with a great blog. shannon has BEAUTIFUL pictures of our favorite boy, jackson, at www.ourcrowsnest.blogspot.com. check her out!!


Susan said...

Ourcrowsnest...what a clever and cute name. Glad ya'll enjoyed the day. I shaved and put shorts on this morning....Spring Fever!