Sunday, June 15, 2008


yep, just as the wise, WISE, cousin cathy suggested...the old camera has been found. i won't go into great detail, let's just say it involved a laundry basket, some computer cables, and bunch of garbage. somehow, i had led myself to believe that there truly weren't any pictures that i hadn't already downloaded, BUT i was VERY wrong. so to celebrate :) here are just SOME of what could have been lost forever (in no particular order):

the day we closed on our house. (it seems like we sat in these exact same chairs and closed on our first house not all that long ago.)
miss vivian took advantage of one of the many, rainy, may days and played in a few puddles.
aren't kids the greatest reminder of innocence...EVER?!
and speaking of is a very GUILTY miss vivian, caught red handed eating mommy's chili! silly girl!!
oh, i am so glad we didn't loose this one...bauer's new "come 'hither" look. teeeheeee. what a handsome hunk!
and finally, we have found a use for mommy's old or hats.
two very sweet kiddos posing for their mother (for a father's day card picture).
vivian had her last day of school, and even though she was just waking up from her nap, i HAD to take pictures of her sweet teachers miss kim...
and miss lori. this was such a great year in school, we could not have been more fortunate. these were the best teachers, taking so much extra time and effort. they truly LOVED their kids. we miss you SO much. (although we KNOW you had a great time in hawaii!)
a little project vivian and i worked on together. this doll house was around when i was little, but was in desperate need of repair. after a thorough scrubbing, and vivian selecting just the right paint and fabric, we assembled (together) to make this lovely home. some of the furniture had been stored from the summer we spent in dallas (circa 2006 ikea), and some i ordered from london. as you can tell she LOVES it.
on may 31st my dad turned 77. the crow's came up from texarkana and we enjoyed some family time. (notice vivian, like her mother and aunt shannon, is holding her baby). ;)
baby bauer always the helpful gentleman lends a had during the move. heheee.
this is just a little proof of the antics-o-bauer. he has become a real ham lately, and can make some of the funniest faces. this is one of my favorites.
so there you go, lost and now found. can you imagine if i weren't a religious download-er? i mean this was only a week and a half! shheeeshhh! ;)


Unknown said...

I am SO glad you found that camera!
Look @ all the pics you would've lost!
Your kiddos are just precious & that Bauer is growing up way too fast,isn't he??

jenny said...

i'm so happy you found your camera! yay! and i love that picture of vivian scarfing all that chilli ... i think mainly i remember clif telling me that story, and i couldn't stop laughing. that picture says it all.

BTW, i posted all the pictures from our visit to AR on my facebook account. it's the closest thing i have to a blog. lemme know if you want higher resolution pix of vivian and bauer. there are some good ones there! xoxo

Susan said...

Glad you found the camera. A back-up cam is a good thing to have! Great pics. Happy Father's Day a little late, Clif!

CathyBB said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Oh, I am so glad you found the camera because these pictures are great!

I must protest the "wise" Cathy part though... I am quite sure I predicted it would be with the Christmas dishes or something like that. Hmmmm, but then again, maybe it was me! I bet that with all that praying I did to find my van keys in the Omaha airport this weekend... some of that "God PLEASE help me find it" spilled over to your cause. ;)