as i began to organize this month's download of photos, i realized some of them had a recurring theme: bedtime. apparently, i have been so busy it isn't until bedtime that i remember to take out the camera! (sad...sad....sad.)
i did however, manage to caputre the cutest little punk rocker EVER.
look at that attitude (and his cute sister in matching pjs)!!
and speaking of cuties....what beautiful little angels!! and YES, they are asleep in our bed, we all fell asleep watching a movie.
please take special note of how vivian likes to spread out take up the absolute MAXIMUM amount of space.
AND how she uses this stellar skill to protect her baby brother. she is protecting no one, and yet taking all the bed!!! does anyone else's kid do this? my sister was the QUEEN when we were kids.
and finally, one sunday afternoon the boys took a nap in the sun room while watching football. aren't they cute?
and on that note...i'm off to bed myself. i promise a much more arousing post tomorrow. ;)
LOve the punk rock hair...hehe made me giggle
B and V look so comfortable in your bed! I wish I sleep that peacefully.
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