Tuesday, December 30, 2008

vivian, vivian, vivian

a friend once told me there was more vivian on the blog than bauer. well....what am i going to do?! sometimes that is just the way life is...so here is a little vivian wrap-up for you:

lately she has become obsessed with taking pictures...

some are better than others.

she also has a special talent for talking her daddy into a bedtime snack...

on this particular night, she didn't quite make it to the snack. hehe.

but possibly best of all...she made me this BEAUTIFUL jewelry box for christmas. i'm sure the queen mum herself doesn't have something so lovely to hold the crown jewels!! :)


CathyBB said...

I love the snack photos! =)

Susan said...

That's hilarious. I love the jewelry box too! Did she make this at MDO?

Stacia said...