normally this is where i give a little weekend review about all the fun and exciting things we's how it went:
the bad: friday afternoon i was letting the cableman (yep, broke again) out the front door, when it accidentally got stuck...and then proceeded to shatter into a million shards of glass. no biggie i thought, we can get a new one at lowe's. nope. custom order has to be sent out. least no one was hurt.

the good: while clif and i cleaned up glass, all the neighborhood kids discovered our "hill". one side of our front yard is perfect for rolling...or rather, sliding, rolling, scooting, and all other kinds of goodness! and the big kids were so sweet and gentle to both vivian and bauer. it reminded me so much of the great times we had as kids on cornflower.

more good: that night after thorough baths, we tried out b's new pjs. yep, that's batboy. is he trying to fly into his crib? i think so...
the bad: saturday clif had to work a little so the kids and i were going to take it easy. as most of you know i have a super power of my own. super sniffer. when i opened the fridge that morning, i KNEW we had trouble. the light was on, but it wasn't. (sigh #2.) trying to get a repairman on saturday is a challenge but i managed, AND i put all the food in the fridge downstairs. crisis diverted (or so i thought).
the hilariously insane: as we are getting ready to go out, i grab something out of the second fridge and realize it is WET, and i am standing in a puddle! fridge #2 is down, too!!!! AAAAGH!!! luckily the repair man made a quick temporary fix, and ordered the correct part for it, too!!

the good: that night, which incidentally was an AMAZING 80 degrees, we had free tickets to see the travs with the adams. let's face it...we HAD to get out of the house, it was falling down around us! ;) bauer enjoyed some daddy time.

vivian enjoyed some more posing time. :)
we had fun seats on the berm, so the kids could watch the pitchers warm up. (don't they look like twins in this picture, scary.)

they even gave him a ball (maybe so he would stop screaming "bball, bball, BBALL!!!"), obviously he loved it!

and speaking of loved, we ran into sweet little emily clark (who was in our wedding), and is now a travelers halo. isn't she gorgeous, and all grown up?!
even more, good: and speaking of gorgeous, on sunday (in between church meetings), i headed to a great baby shower for meagan harvey (pictured with her mother, juju). she is having twins in september and looks AMAZING!
everything was too was one of the hostesses, and did a great job!
When it rains it pours! House repairs are so annoying. Thanks for coming to the baby shower. I can't wait to get the custom made gifts back from you. No really, don't hurry yourself to the monogrammer. I don't expect to have the twins for another 6 weeks at least!
Wow, I hate spending money on home repairs, it's not as much fun as spending money on a new pair of shoes!
1. Cable, door and TWO fridges? Oh OUCH!
2. Vivian didn't roll, right? Just sat quietly and watched? Please tell me that. =)
3. I LOVE Batboy! Cannot wait to show the kids these pics!
4. Bauer has also apparently inherited your hair-growing ability. I'm telling you he did not have that much hair a month ago!
5. Love ALL the baseball pics... those are fantastic!
6. Speaking of fantastic, THE NECKLACE! Oooh! Like it a lot. =)
P.S. Holy cow, I hope this is appropriate to say about a stranger but this twin momma DOES look amazing! =)
Glad you came to the shower. Loved the burp cloths you made Mallory and Brody. I want some with the ribbon loops...I mean not right now or anything, but eventually.
Love BatBoy. Setler has batman pjs too. I'll bring them tonight...maybe they can get a picture! Got cheesecake and sugar cookies too.
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