oh, how the days did fly by...and before we knew it....it was sunday.

and of course i HAD to get an action shot of miss natalie.

but look who else thinks they are a super slugger?

sometimes my husband's foresight is SO awesome. that morning (while mommy was getting dressed) i thought that he had the kids downstairs eating breakfast, but he really was across the street picking up a kiddie sized ball and bat. what a great dad! so the little one's played in the big field, just like the big kids!

afterwards, we all headed to another local park (yes, there is one on EVERY street corner, and they are all SUPER nice.) where clif went all "monster"...and all the kids LOVED it!!!!

natalie had a softball game, cathy was coach, so we all headed out to cheer them on. i THINK, this is vivian doing her best cheerleader pose. pretty stinking good if you ask me!
and of course i HAD to get an action shot of miss natalie.
but look who else thinks they are a super slugger?
sometimes my husband's foresight is SO awesome. that morning (while mommy was getting dressed) i thought that he had the kids downstairs eating breakfast, but he really was across the street picking up a kiddie sized ball and bat. what a great dad! so the little one's played in the big field, just like the big kids!

afterwards, we all headed to another local park (yes, there is one on EVERY street corner, and they are all SUPER nice.) where clif went all "monster"...and all the kids LOVED it!!!!
uh-0h....somebody else decided to go all "monster".....scarrrryyyy!!! we spent the rest of the evening just chilling out. and then.....

it was monday. the day to leave. we took one last picture of our babies....

it was monday. the day to leave. we took one last picture of our babies....
and one of us. and maybe....just maybe, two grown women, plus five little children...cried for the next thirty minutes straight. (thank goodness for clif, he could at least drive us safely back home.) and then it was over....the great nebraska expedition....or so we thought. 12 hours, 2 throw ups of straight mac-n-cheese, and 2 poo-through-the-diapers later we were home....let's just say there were a different kind of tears when we saw the front of our house! ;)
Okay so you are entirely correct... I counted and there are 78 pictures! Funny though... it didn't SEEM like that many. Maybe it's in comparison to the total number of photos TAKEN, eh? Tee hee... if they only knew!
Well, let me just say that:
1. the picture of Vivian IS too stinking cute!
2. And let's point out that your clever husband got those adorable pants for her too while he was getting the ball and bat... clever, clever man!
3. I love the father/son monster photos together, too.
4. Thirty minutes? I could have sworn we cried for hours... sniff, sniff... days, WEEKS! ;) We so DEFINITELY must do this again!
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