Saturday, September 12, 2009

who knew?

apparently there really are people (besides su and cathy) that read this blog. and apparently, they thought we were in need of some new (and slightly more masculine) dress up attire.

popa and dotdot got bauer this awesome pirate costume...which he happily shares with sister.

and sweet spiderman can morph into superman, buzz lightyear, woody, or a knight at any time!

oh....well...we did add one more girly item to the repertoire. can you guess who this is? it's daphne* or course!! both kiddos LOVE scooby, and incidentally it was also one of clif's favorites as a perfect!
*as a side note, when i went to take vivian's picture for this post, she had very specific instructions for me. "mommy, take one for daddy and then take a second one for gege, this will crack her booty up!" indeed, miss v, indeed!!


CathyBB said...

We looove the new duds... especially Daphne! SO cool! =)

jenny said...

it is nice to see some gender equity in the day family costume department. i like that vivian is standing on one leg like she's waiting for a peg leg! she's so observant! :-)

Susan said...

Fun stuff! I think I dressed up in Mom's old bridesmaid dresses and one of Jan's prom dresses! These rock. Setler can't wait to try some on!