we meant to hit this spot last time, but it was just too short of a trip.
this time we were able to take our time and enjoy each exhibit. (WARNING: there are a lot of pictures...so i am going to keep the words to a minimum...just enjoy!) the planetarium was awesome, and included an interesting scale of just how big our little earth is compared to big ol' jupiter and saturn.
the kids really enjoyed the mechanical exhibits, which included driving a see-through car and lifting a car BY HAND!
next we were off to the nasa exhibit. i REALLY wanted to experience the weightless thingy (what is that called?), but THEY said no preggos. how rude! so cliffy took one for the team, (since vivian and bauer were both too short, and joan looked at me like i had lost my cookies when i asked if she wanted to try) and had a great time working the "wall".
vivian and bauer thought it was a little strange to watch daddy fly through the air...
and it took clif a few minutes to moon walk, but it was lots of fun.
a little family pic.
in theory bauer loves dinosaurs, in reality....not so much. if you look closely you can see this is an interactive exhibit. you can climb in and stand in that little bubble in the middle. unfortunately it also looks like that big t-rex is going to eat the bubble. no child of mine would dare go NEAR that thing. sigh...maybe next time.
ever since vivian's accident she has been fascinated with brains. when she saw this she said, "mommy take my picture for the blog with the "meat brain". :)
the whole second floor was an exhibit on the human body, and was quite well done. here vivian is throwing a ball into the mouth to show how food enters the body.
next, she and gege use the levers to move the teeth for grinding! somehow, i didn't get a manage to get a picture of the big pink slide that represents your colon. and yep, you guessed it, you represent the poop. nope, that's not the worst part...when you come out the end it makes...well...."noises". yeah, we will just call them "noises".
another exhibit on the brain, and the importance of wearing a helmet at all times.....and the poster child for helmet wearing! :)
dr.b checking out cardiovascular world.
good dental hygiene is important to all.
and this thing...well, it is a four story, see-through-floor, play house. i walk over the bridge, took one look down, and said, "no thank you". god made me five foot three for a reason. he likes me near the ground! but everyone else had a great time! here joan and clif fly airplanes.
and vivian rides on the magic school bus.
in the toddler area there was a construction theme. vivian built a fun castle...
while bauer and daddy worked the big crane. after a VERY long day of play we were starving so joan suggested a nashville tradition...
noshville deli. bowls of pickles on a table will make any pregnant lady happy!
and look at the HALF of a sandwich...unbelievable!!
after taking a few food pictures vivian said, "mom, don't you need a picture with me in it for the blog?" yes, honey, of course i do! "that will make it even better!" yep, miss vivian it surely will!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
adventure science center
Posted by
the day's
10:24 AM
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I considered listing all the super-cool things my kids would love, but I'm too embarrassed to admit how high the numbers were going! =) Let me just say WOO HOO I am so glad you had such a good time and I am SO grateful to all of you for checking the place out so thoroughly for us! YIPEE!
What a cool place! Is it in Nashville too? Ok, Mom's gonna have to go again, cause Setler and I want to check it out.
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