Thursday, September 23, 2010

soccer star

tonight was picture night for fall soccer. we sure are mighty proud of our soccer star.

for that matter, we sure our proud of our soccer TEAM!! it truly is the BEST group of kids and parents.

our first game was a real breakthrough for vivian. she dribbled like a champ, and then scored her first goal of the season (one of FOUR that game!). she immediately turned to the crowd to see if i had seen it, and folks, the look on her face i will remember until my dying day. proud, elated, shocked....they don't even begin to cover it. but THIS is why i love this team, because not only was i cheering and screaming and SO excited, so were all the other parents and her teammates. clif ran up, picked her up over his head...and everyone let out another loud cheer. a soccer star is born...i doubt i'll be more proud the day she graduates harvard!!


CathyBB said...

FANTASTIC!!! We love it!

I'm also glad to hear the momma was cheering. ;)

CathyBB said...

that soccer picture is sssssooooooooo cute!

from Natalie

CathyBB said...

(Yep, she did that all by herself!)

Su said...

Yayyy! Woohoo! Aunt Su is su-pah proud. So glad we got to watch. Can't wait to have Setler and Bauer out there together next Fall. I'll even coach if they need me.