Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"hair rollers, please!"

so vivian has become much more independent lately. she doesn't want ANY help getting into the car, climbing the stairs, washing her hands, etc. she does, however, want me to roll her hair. i am not quite sure of how this trend started. but today she INSISTED i take her picture...and i was only too happy to oblige!

here we are all rolled up, and a little sneak preview of the new outrageous hall bath color.

and taaadaaaa....pageant hair! she loves it, and clif has even taught her to do the "christie brinkley" know where you toss your hair over you shoulders!

i love that sweet smile! :)


John, Shannon, and Jackson: said...

She's gorgeous! And, I've seen the wall color in person and it's super cute!

Unknown said...

She is a BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for Katherine to have enough hair for me to roll!

CathyBB said...

BEEE-YOU-TIFUL indeed! Don't you just love it?

By the way, major, MAJOR flashback happening here, of rolling YOUR hair after a sleepover at Aunt Royce's house! =)

jenny said...

OMG! I see that hair rollers are in her genes! That is toooooooo funny! It seemed like it was just yesterday that we were doing our hair rollers together. I'm glad to see that the tradition has passed on! xoxo